International journals (SCI) (peer-reviewed)

Almagro, M., López, J., Querejeta, J.I., Martínez-Mena, M., 2009. Temperature dependence of soil CO2 efflux is strongly modulated by seasonal patterns of moisture availability in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 41, 594-605

Bellin, N., van Wesemael, B., Meerkek, A., Vanacker, V., Barberá, G.G., 2009. Abandonment of soil and water conservation structures in Mediterranean ecosystems. A case study from south east Spain. Catena 76, 114-121

Boix-Fayos, C., de Vente, J., Albaladejo, J., Martínez-Mena, M., 2009. Soil carbon erosion and stock as affected by land use changes at the catchment scale in Mediterranean ecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 133, 75-85.

de Vente, J., Poesen, J., Govers, G. and Boix-Fayos, C., 2009. The implications of data selection for regional erosion and sediment yield modelling. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34, 1994-2007

García-Pintado, J., Barberá, G.G., Erena, M., Castillo, V.M., 2009. Calibration of structure in a distributed forecasting model for a semi-arid flash flood: dynamic surface storage and channel roughness. Journal of Hydrology 377: 165-184.

García-Pintado, J., Barberá, G.G., Erena, M., Castillo, V.M., 2009. Rainfall estimation by raingauge-radar combination: a Concurrent Multiplicative-Additive approach. Water Resources Research 45, W01045.

Navarro-Cano, J.A., Rivera, D., Barberá, G.G., 2009. Induction of seed germination in Cistus heterophyllus (Cistaceae): a rock rose critically endangered in Spain. Research Journal of Botany 4, 10-16.

Navarro-Cano, J.A., Barberá G.G., Ruiz-Navarro., A., Castillo, V.M., 2009. Pine plantation bands limit seedling recruitment of a perennial grass under semiarid conditions. Journal of Arid Environments 73, 120-126.

Querejeta, J.I., Egerton-Warburton L.M., Allen M.F., 2009. Topographic position modulates the mycorrhizal response of oak trees to interannual rainfall variability. Ecology 90, 649-662

Ramírez D.A, Querejeta J.I., Bellot J., 2009. Bulk leaf d13C and d18O reflect the intensity of intra-specific competition for water in a semiarid tussock grassland.  Plant, Cell & Environment 32: 1346-1356

Ruiz-Navarro, A., Barberá, G.G., Navarro-Cano, J.A., Albaladejo, J., Castillo, V.M., 2009. Soil dynamics in Pinus halepensis reforestation: effect of microenvironments and previous land use. Geoderma 153, 353-361

Other publications

Navarro-Cano, J.A., Sánchez-Balibrea, J., Barberá, G.G., Fernández-Sempere, M., El Andalossi, M., 2009. Siguiendo la huella de la hibridación en poblaciones de Cistus heterophyllus del Rif marroquí. Conservación Vegetal 13, 9-10.

Barberá, G.G., Sánchez Balibrea, J., López Barquero, P, García Moreno, P, Navia-Osorio Pascual, R., 2009. Gestión del territorio en medios semiáridos: prevenir, mitigar y combatir la degradación del suelo. Manual de buenas prácticas para el control y prevención de la erosión y la desertificación en fincas agroforestales del Sureste Ibérico. ANSE, Fundación Biodiversidad, Murcia. ISBN 978-84-692-6791-2

Castillo, V.M., Boix-Fayos, C.,  2009. Early Warning Systems for Preventing Desertification. In: Rubio, J.L., Andreu, V. (Eds) Human and Socioeconomics Consequences of Desertification, Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 69-90. 

de Vente, J., 2009. Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield in Mediterranean Geoecosystems. Scale issues, modelling and understanding. PhD. Thesis, K.U.Leuven, Leuven, 264 pp.

García-Pintado, J., Barberá, G.G., Martínez-Mena, M., Albaladejo, J., Erena, M., Castillo, V.M., 2009. Caracterización y evaluación de fuentes antrópicas de nutrientes transportados por la Rambla del Albujón hacia el Mar Menor. In Cabezas, P. (Ed) El Mar Menor. Estado Actual del Conocimiento Científico, Fundación Instituto Euromediterráneo del Agua, Murcia, pp. 131-166.