International Journals (SCI) (peer-reviewed)

Almagro M., Martínez-López J., Maestre F.T., Rey A., 2017. The Contribution of Photodegradation to Litter Decomposition in Semiarid Mediterranean Grasslands Depends on its Interaction with Local Humidity Conditions, Litter Quality and Position. Ecosystems, 20 (3): 527-542.

Almagro, M., Garcia-Franco, N. and Martínez-Mena, M., 2017. The potential of reducing tillage frequency and incorporating plant residues as a strategy for climate change mitigation in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems. Agriculture. Ecosystems & Environment, 246: 210-220.

Boix-Fayos, C., Martínez-Mena, M., Cutillas, P.P., de Vente, J., Barberá, G.G., Mosch, W., Navarro Cano, J.A., Gaspar, L. and Navas, A., 2017. Carbon redistribution by erosion processes in an intensively disturbed catchment. Catena, 149(3): 799-809.

de Brouwer, J.H.F., Eekhout, J.P.C., Besse-Lototskaya, A.A., Hoitink, A.J.F., Ter Braak, C.J.F., Verdonschot, P.F.M., 2017. Flow thresholds for leaf retention in hydrodynamic wakes downstream of obstacles. Ecohydrology 10(7).

Ferrarini, A., Serra, P., Almagro, M., Trevisan, M. and Amaducci, S., 2017. Multiple ecosystem services provision and biomass logistics management in bioenergy buffers: A state-of-the-art review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 73: 277-290.

Fortugno, D., Boix-Fayos, C., Bombino, G., Denisi, P., Quiñonero Rubio, J.M., Tamburino, V. and Zema, D.A., 2017 Adjustments in channel morphology due to land-use changes and check dam installation in mountain torrents of Calabria (southern Italy). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(14): 2469-2483.

Hunink, J.E., Eekhout, J.P.C., de Vente, J., Contreras, S., Droogeres, P. and Baille, A., 2017. Hydrological Modelling using Satellite-Based Crop Coefficients: A Comparison of Methods at the Basin Scale. Remote Sensing, 9(2): 174.

Martinez-Oró, D., Parraga-Aguado, I., Querejeta, J.I., Conesa, H.M., 2017. Importance of intra- and interspecific plant interactions for the phytomanagement of semiarid mine tailings using the tree species Pinus halepensis. Chemosphere 186: 405-413.

Montesinos-Navarro, A., Verdú, M., Querejeta, J.I. and Valiente-Banuet, A., 2017. Nurse plants transfer more nitrogen to distantly related species. Ecology, 98 (5): 1300-1310.

Pardo, G., del Prado, A., Martínez-Mena, M., Bustamante, M.A., Rodriguez Martin, J.A., Alvaro-Fuentes, J., Moral, R., 2017. Orchard and horticulture systems in Spanish Mediterranean coastal areas: Is there a real possibility to contribute to C sequestration? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 138: 153-167.

Prieto I., Birouste M., Zamora-Ledezma E., Gentit A., Goldin J., Volaire F., Roumet C., 2017. Decomposition rates of fine roots from three herbaceous perennial species: combined effect of root mixture composition and living plant community. Plant and Soil, 415 (1-2): 359-372.

Prieto I., Violle C., Barre P., Litrico I., 2017. Five species, many genotypes, broad phenotypic diversity: when agronomy meets functional ecology. American Journal of Botany, 104 (1): 1-10.

Querejeta, J.I., 2017. Chapter 17 – Soil Water Retention and Availability as Influenced by Mycorrhizal Symbiosis: Consequences for Individual Plants, Communities, and Ecosystems, pp. 299-317. In: Mycorrhizal Mediation of Soil: Fertility, Structure and Carbon Storage. Collins Johnson, N., Gehring, C. and Jansa, J. (Editors). ISBN 978-0-12-804312-7.

Rossi, L.M.W., Rapidel, B., Roupsard, O., Villatoro-sánchez, M., Mao, Z., Nespoulous, J., Perez, J., Prieto, I., Roumet, C., Metselaar, K., Schoorl, J.M., Claessens, L., Stokes, A., 2017. Sensitivity of the landslide model LAPSUS_LS to vegetation and soil parameters. Ecological Engineering, 109: 249–255.

Other publications

Navarro Cano, J.A., Goberna Estellés, M., González Barerá, G., Castillo Sánchez, V.M., Verdú del Campo, M., 2017. Restauración ecológica en ambientes semiáridos. Recuperar las interacciones biológicas y las funciones ecosistémicas, pp. 159. CSIC.

Sanz, M.J., de Vente, J., Chotte, J.-L., Bernoux, M., Kust, G., Ruiz, I., Almagro, M., Alloza, J.-A., Vallejo, R., Castillo, V., Hebel, A., Akhtar-Schuster., M., 2017. Sustainable Land Management contribution to successful land-based climate change adaptation and mitigation. A Report of the Science-Policy Interface. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Bonn, Germany.