PhD Research Topic
This thesis explores the co-development and evaluation of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) for addressing floods and droughts in the Quípar Valley, Murcia, Spain. It focuses on assessing local stakeholders’ perceptions of NbS potential for climate change adaptation, co-designing adaptation scenarios and modeling their impacts on flood and drought indicators under different climate scenarios.
Background & Former Positions
Research Coordinator at the Regeneration Academy ( 2021-2024)
MSc Organic Agriculture – Agroecology specialization (Wageningen University)
BSc Biology – Ecology specialization (Wageningen University)
Research interests
- Impacts of climate, land use, and land management changes on soil, water resources, and ecosystem services.
- Catchment-level modeling of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) and their effects on climate adaptation.
- Socio-ecological systems analysis to identify barriers and motivators for implementing NbS for land degradation and climate change adaptation.
- Participatory research and fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainable development.
- Mitigating climate change impacts through NbS and regenerative agriculture.
LandEX: Improving landscape resilience by integrating measures to adapt and mitigate hydrological extremes. Collaborative international project (PCI2024-153454) supported by the European Commission, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the Spanish Research Agency (AEI 10.13039/501100011033/EU) in the framework of the Water4All Partnership (101060874)(2024-2027).
BENCHMARKS: Building a European Network for the Characterisation and Harmonisation of Monitoring Approaches for Research and Knowledge on Soils. HORIZON EUROPE SOIL MISSION (101091010; 2023-2027)
ClImate Farm Demo : Adapting agricultural production systems to climate change by adoption of Climate Smart Farming practices and solutions at Demo Events organised at Demo Farms across Europe. HORIZON EUROPE (101060212, 2022-2029)
Grey literature
EIT-Food, Regeneration Academy, TheRockGroup 2022. The Regenerative Agriculture Manual