PhD defence Lupe León Sánchez

We are happy to inform that the 14th of October our colleague Lupe León Sánchez successfully defended her PhD thesis at the University of Granada, entitled:

Effects of climate change on native plant communities in semiarid gypsum ecosystems.

Her thesis supervisor is: José Ignacio Querejeta Mercader.

20161014_111327_lrIn her thesis Lupe simulated the climate conditions projected for the second half of XXI century, by using open top chambers (1-2ºC temperature increase in the wintertime and 4-6ºC in the summertime; W treatment), rainout shelters (-30% rainfall exclusion; RR treatment) and their combination (W+RR treatment) to assess the effects of climate change conditions on the performance of three semiarid Mediterranean shrubland communities located in central (Aranjuez) and southeastern Spain (Sorbas and Sax) throughout 4 hydrological years (2011-2015).


Congratulations Lupe!

Lectura de la tesis doctoral de Eva Arnau Rosalén

El 2Tesis_Eva_portada9 de Enero de 2016 tuvo lugar la lectura de la tesis doctoral de Eva Arnau Rosalén con el título “Patrones de distribución espacial y respuesta hidrológica de los componentes superficiales del suelo como control de la escorrentía superficial en condiciones ambientales mediterráneas” en la Universidad de Valencia, los directores han sido el Dr. Adolfo Calvo Cases del Departamento de Geografía de la Universidad de Valencia y la Dra. Carolina Boix Fayos del grupo de Erosión y Conservación de Suelos y Aguas del CEBAS-CSIC. En el tribunal estuvieron presentes: el Dr. Juan Sánchez (Catedrático de Edafología, Universidad de Valencia), la Dra. María Martínez-Mena (investigadora del CEBAS-CSIC) y la Dra. Yolanda Cantón (Profesora titular de la Universidad de Almería).


Figura: Ejemplo de la salida del modelo de simulación de escorrentía a escala de ladera desarrollado en la tesis de Arnau Rosalén (2016)  teniendo en cuenta los componentes superficiales del suelo. En la figura aparecen la simulación en tres laderas diferentes y los distintos umbrales a la saturación y conectividad hidrológica de las laderas.


PhD defence Noelia García Franco

PhD defence Noelia García Franco

We are happy to inform that the 15th of September our colleague Noelia García Franco successfully defended her PhD thesis (Cum Laude) entitled ‘Carbon Sequestration Mechanisms in Semiarid Soils according to Land Use and Management Practices’.

The full text of her thesis is available from here.

PhD defence Joris Eekhout

PhD defence Joris Eekhout

On Friday 9th May our colleague Joris Eekhout successfully defended his PhD thesis at Wageningen University (The Netherlands).

His PhD thesis is entitled: “Morphological Processes in Lowland Streams – Implications for Stream Restoration”.

The full text of the thesis is freely available by clicking here.

Follow Joris Eekhout on Twitter for recent research updates and visit his homepage for his research background and publications.

PhD defense Pedro Cutillas

PhD defence Pedro Cutillas

On Friday 8th November our colleague Pedro Cutillas defended succesfully (cum laude) his PhD thesis entitled: “Modelización de propiedades físicas del suelo a escala regional. Casos de estudio en el Sureste Ibérico” (Modelling physical soil properties at a regional scale. Study cases in the Iberian SouthEast).

Congratulations Pedro!

You can access all the thesis of this research group through the links in the dissertations section.

Modelling physical soil properties at a regional scale. Study cases in the Iberian SouthEast

PhD defence Pedro Pérez Cutillas

Next Friday 8th November at 11:00h, our colleague Pedro Pérez Cutillas will defend his PhD in the room “Sala Jorge Guillen”, Facultad de Letras (Campus de la Merced), Murcia.

Pedro is a geographer specialized in developing applications based on GIS and modelling, his PhD thesis is entitled:

“Modelización de propiedades físicas del suelo a escala regional. Casos de estudio en el Sureste Ibérico” (Modelling physical soil properties at a regional scale. Study cases in the Iberian SouthEast).

We wish you good luck with your PhD defense!

PhD defence Elisabet Nadeu

PhD defence Elisabet Nadeu

On Thursday 18th of April Elisabet Nadeu succesfully (cum laude) defended her PhD thesis entitled:

Soil erosion and organic carbon mobilization at the catchment scale: factors, processes and impact on the carbon balance.

Congratulations Elisabet!

You can access all the thesis of this research group through the links in the dissertations section.